Marc Deschenaux

Marc Deschenaux

Co-Founder & Partner

Marc Deschenaux is a world expert in Corporate Finance from private offerings to Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s). He raised private and public, equity and debt, for companies internationally. He also financed various types of operations, from import/export transactions to Real Estate Investment Trusts and organized governments loans.


Mohamed Es Fih

Mohamed Es Fih


A cross-border e-commerce and mobile technologies specialist. Holding a Ph.D. in Mobile payments from UTM University (Malaysia) and a Master degree in International E-commerce from University of Franche Comte (France). With over 20 years experience in digital entrepreneurship, Mr. Es Fih has facilitated over 2,000 corporate setups.


Action 3

Define your actions that will populate your Action plan. Each action is a post with category assigned as “actions”. The feature image needs to be in landscape style with 699 pixels width

分类目录 Actions

Action 2

Define your actions that will populate your Action plan. Each action is a post with category assigned as “actions”. The feature image needs to be in landscape style with 699 pixels width

分类目录 Actions

Action 1

Define your actions that will populate your Action plan. Each action is a post with category assigned as “actions”. The feature image needs to be in landscape style with 699 pixels width

分类目录 Actions

Office 3

Address with Street info City, Zip Code, Country Phone: +1 xxx xxxx xxxx Fax: +1 xxx xxxx xxxx

分类目录 Office

Office 2

Address with Street info City, Zip Code, Country Phone: +1 xxx xxxx xxxx Fax: +1 xxx xxxx xxxx  

分类目录 Office

Office 1

Address with Street info City, Zip Code, Country Phone: +1 xxx xxxx xxxx Fax: +1 xxx xxxx xxxx  

分类目录 Office

Partner 3

Partner description should include the logo preferably dimensions of 300 pixels width (by 200 height). Also the type of relationship can be described in this article.

Partner 2

Partner description should include the logo preferably dimensions of 300 pixels width (by 200 height). Also the type of relationship can be described in this article.